AV Village: "Caregiving in the Valley” forum
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
14470 Highway 128
Boonville CA 95415
Who can attend
Limited capacity: Registration Closed
To that effect, we are planning a forum to discuss the phases and steps one goes through in deciding when we do need to find help and what kind, and how to structure the hours or days of employment with a total stranger in our homes.
What are our expectations and how do we arrive at them? How do we discover and make the most of the varying strengths and weaknesses of individual caregivers? What is the new commitment going to cost and how to think about meeting this expense?
Then there is the other side of the coin: what will caregivers do and how do we arrive at a clear understanding with them to manage mutual expectations? Caregivers have needs and sensitivities too, and to form a good working relationship both sides must be frankly discussed.
The forum will present a small sample of different residents and caregivers who will talk about their experiences and both will be available afterwards for questions or a chat. If you are facing the need for additional help in the near future, we hope this event will help you reflect on some of the issues you will be facing.
Anderson Valley is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: May 17, 2022 03:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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